I enroll for a Pilates teacher training Sydney course because my previous instructor inspired me a lot. After a hard physical exercise, our body needs to recover nutrients and hydration that we have lost during the workout, and there is no better way that relaxes muscles, than a good night’s sleep. But just like everyone who has suffered after a strong sport workout our muscles end up tight and do not let us get a good rest. As well, today we leave you some suggestions of foods that will favor the rest that you are looking for and that is going to provide the energy you need to be ready for the next workout.
After performing a somewhat hard exercise, our body needs to recharge energy, restore hydration and relax our tight muscles to be able, in the shortest time possible. The best way to charge our batteries and to be able to continue with our planned training is have a strong plan that you can follow and stick with. For this, the essential thing is to have a good diet that makes us to recover nutrients in the muscles and the moisture lost during physical activity, and of course, rest. Today we going to mention here a number of foods that can help you to get those nutrients and which facilitate the long-desired rest that one needs for recovery. Here are some muscle recovery foods that will help you in recovery.
Almonds: This dry fruit contains magnesium, favoring sleep and muscle relaxation. Plus it has an added advantage of proteins that can help maintain a level of sugar in the blood and keep it stable during sleep and help you sleep when you change a cycle marked by adrenaline to a cycle of rest and digestion.
Tea or Decaf Coffee: While it is true that taking coffee relaxes many people, it is not very recommended by experts, but nevertheless, if they are advised certain decaffeinated coffees, and above all, green tea, which has properties that promote relaxation and sleep easy.
Soup of miso: This soup originating in Japan is very common and known in the West, being one of the most demanded dishes in their restaurants. It consists of fermented soybean paste soup, and is that it contains amino acids that increase the production of melatonin, a natural hormone that helps us to get to sleep. Another pro that brings is all foods that are hot, such as soup or tea, relieve the consequences of colds and the like, by what further help us to relax.
Bananas: Are a food that everyone is familiar with. This is a fruit that many athletes are accustomed to eating. Plus bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, which help relax stressed muscles. They also contain tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin and melatonin, which in the brain are soothing hormones essential.
Dairy: We all know the large amount of calcium contributing milk to our organism, something basic to the bones, but recent studies show that this calcium is also important in stress reduction and stabilization of the nerve cells, and may get you a better relaxation. https://www.google.com/afs/ads/i/iframe.html#slave-1-1
Oat flour: Its most common use is in breakfast though, according to some other people it may also be taken at night due to its soft characteristics, it may be hot, and contains lots of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium.
Hard boiled egg: Hard boiled eggs are not a food item that comes to mind when thinking about recovery foods. However, it has alot to offer. It has a high protein that can help us to balance the amount of sugar in the body.
Cherries: Apart from the richness they offer and are known that they are a precursor to melatonin, especially sour cherries, which makes a glass of cherry juice or eat a few before bedtime promotes relaxation.
Cereals: Here is another recovery food that lacks the attention it should be getting as being up there with the some of the best recovery foods. As you might know and be aware of those delicious bowls of cereals that you have eaten throughout your life are actually healthy. In addition, cereals contain large amount of nutrients depending on which one you buy, but they also increase the availability of tryptophan in the blood, which increases sleep inducing effects which can be relaxing and help you get some good rest. Click here to access the food that we recommend for building muscles.
With these muscle recovery foods that can work for you, you can get all the necessary nutrients after exercise, and that is as important one thing as the other. These foods are rich in nutrients and vitamins and they easily help in recovery after workout.